
We comply with all contractual conditions and DELIVERY TERMS.


We respect the provisions of ISO 9001: 2015 in order to guarantee the QUALITY of our products.


WE COMMUNICATE promptly & permanently with the CUSTOMER to satisfy all his needs.


We are FLEXIBLE, working in SMALL and very DIVERSIFIED SERIES!


  • Frank Hohn - Master in Precision Mechanics
    Two years ago we started our work with CNC-Tech. Since then the volume grew and the quality is in very good condition. CNC-TECH meets the deadlines very exactly. So we are looking forward to a good collaboration in the future also.
    Frank Hohn - Master in Precision Mechanics
    Göpfert Maschinen GmbH
  • Eng. Adrian Duguleanu, Technical Director
  • Ing Daniel Carstea, General Manager
  • Ing. Marian NITU, Responsable Production
  • Ing. Liviu Ţârcă, General Manager
  • Eugen Roșu, General Manager
  • Eng. Cătălin Roșu, General Manager
How We Work

Our mission is to deliver the products you need at the best price.

Continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system

Maximum involvement of each employee as an center of control and responsibility

Establishing mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers and customers

Implementation of the motto "GOOD FROM THE BEGINNING" according to which WE PREVENT problems, in order to reduce the number of products that need remediation

Happy Customers


Are you looking for mechanically machined parts?


We are available from Monday to Friday
08:00 AM - 5:30 PM